About Us
The first Fat Cat Café Bar opened in 1992 in Bangor, North Wales. Since then the company has opened further sites in London, the Midlands, Wales and the North West. During 2007 a number of our sites underwent refits in order maintain the high standards Fat Cat is renowned for. 2008 saw our latest addition to the group in the return of Fat Cat Derby after an absence of 18 months. The pub industry has undergone radical changes over the years and it has been independent operators such as The Fat Cat Group that have been at the forefront of this change, constantly innovating in order to satisfy increasingly sophisticated customer demands for food and drink and the atmosphere in which to enjoy it. The big brewers are now also introducing well formulated and well executed concepts within the café bar and pub sector making the industry a most exciting one to be a part of, both as a customer and an operator. Within this competitive environment it is our aim to remain at the forefront of Café Bar culture by continuing to offer the quality of products and brands, level of service and atmosphere that you the customer continues to demand. Over the years Fat Cat has gained recognition for the quality of its service, food, drink and design from both public and industry awards. Being nominated in many categories from best design to best value for money, Fat Cat has made its mark not only in the Industry sector, but in the public eye. Theme Magazine, Publican and Class are amongst the many industry publications that have recognised our dedication and hard work. RecruitmentWe are always looking for new enthusiastic and dedicated staff for a range of positions from Head Chefs to Part Time Bar Staff. Visit our Recruitment Page to find out more. Comments and FeedbackWe welcome your feedback and comments on what we do, and its vital in our development and planning that we are meeting you, the customers, needs. You can e-mail us with your feedback at:
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